This page generates passwords by constructing fake words from pronounceable word parts. The words on either side of the underscore have about 44 billion permutations each, assuming that would-be hackers know how the words are put together in the first place. With the combined pairs below there are much more than a thousand trillion (1021) permutations. This should be good enough for everyday passwords, and the word-alikes are easier to type and remember. Passwords that contain 16 or more characters are impractical to crack, even using dedicated brute force methods.
Unroaf_Outbyermo (length 16)
Unbrudfindry_Allaeaceae (length 23)
Aummbuttgersaye_Oakboygoogie (length 28)
Unbuleokee_Arleylawcey (length 22)
Empiesie_Outnoodsy (length 18)
Aufklalvvastre_Oatygmombre (length 26)
Neaubleau_Aenaldsteink (length 22)
Onlientt_Kraervissiee (length 21)
Eechirdly_Eyeteek (length 17)
Ungkapuu_Employing (length 18)
Yatrartwrismy_Espriethmoirs (length 27)
Eimicciud_Kuatiorrhoea (length 22)
Stiopespue_Suisquishly (length 22)
Eloarspeahy_Unsymnurrie (length 23)
Undaulktonnay_Auetorphygaea (length 27)
Oriahdoxee_Gaein (length 16)
Vlielt_Amyouths (length 15)
Encolgairth_Supplyips (length 21)
Ashcarlispo_Yippythionkia (length 25)
Oatlaleyn_Iblickty (length 18)
Unbrudfindry_Allaeaceae (length 23)
Aummbuttgersaye_Oakboygoogie (length 28)
Unbuleokee_Arleylawcey (length 22)
Empiesie_Outnoodsy (length 18)
Aufklalvvastre_Oatygmombre (length 26)
Neaubleau_Aenaldsteink (length 22)
Onlientt_Kraervissiee (length 21)
Eechirdly_Eyeteek (length 17)
Ungkapuu_Employing (length 18)
Yatrartwrismy_Espriethmoirs (length 27)
Eimicciud_Kuatiorrhoea (length 22)
Stiopespue_Suisquishly (length 22)
Eloarspeahy_Unsymnurrie (length 23)
Undaulktonnay_Auetorphygaea (length 27)
Oriahdoxee_Gaein (length 16)
Vlielt_Amyouths (length 15)
Encolgairth_Supplyips (length 21)
Ashcarlispo_Yippythionkia (length 25)
Oatlaleyn_Iblickty (length 18)
Psefrost_Upthrenks (length 18)
Upsteastplavii_Unmaisondee (length 26)
Eaklychoance_Tsoodwaycu (length 23)
Areinscrincy_Egrarkleyso (length 24)
Ashbumbousso_Outstayingly (length 25)
Yippiemhissvry_Yahangramae (length 26)
Endyflievi_Airfreidl (length 20)
Lieue_Agroothay (length 15)
Entoomaitsai_Oughlyirbacoya (length 27)
Arreplolga_Ussheshoisns (length 23)
Unfriefdompi_Yokoyah (length 20)
Eclaidee_Pyoism (length 15)
Atyrrenry_Stayorumna (length 20)
Yippindsailo_Outtunsmuibdo (length 26)
Unfithly_Aargaupliine (length 21)
Ashfombrezlie_Yanirdbappmt (length 26)
Ogaitch_Wraypoom (length 16)
Psoaesthetle_Ashcrorphae (length 24)
Unfeiheidt_Pycttansey (length 21)
Apaywoothe_Ftpenhynge (length 21)
Upsteastplavii_Unmaisondee (length 26)
Eaklychoance_Tsoodwaycu (length 23)
Areinscrincy_Egrarkleyso (length 24)
Ashbumbousso_Outstayingly (length 25)
Yippiemhissvry_Yahangramae (length 26)
Endyflievi_Airfreidl (length 20)
Lieue_Agroothay (length 15)
Entoomaitsai_Oughlyirbacoya (length 27)
Arreplolga_Ussheshoisns (length 23)
Unfriefdompi_Yokoyah (length 20)
Eclaidee_Pyoism (length 15)
Atyrrenry_Stayorumna (length 20)
Yippindsailo_Outtunsmuibdo (length 26)
Unfithly_Aargaupliine (length 21)
Ashfombrezlie_Yanirdbappmt (length 26)
Ogaitch_Wraypoom (length 16)
Psoaesthetle_Ashcrorphae (length 24)
Unfeiheidt_Pycttansey (length 21)
Apaywoothe_Ftpenhynge (length 21)
Outfegnacmy_Rhardwoos (length 21)
Chriafootle_Yoncophlockley (length 26)
Encyppownia_Odious (length 18)
Ursodgsocue_Austriagaloy (length 24)
Breengimt_Thyesinckley (length 22)
Enchessna_Yeastekseyere (length 23)
Uplayingwinnle_Troians (length 22)
Otitchichtje_Graenza (length 20)
Thyosselz_Unjuskmelgae (length 22)
Akiarchazi_Moyotochs (length 20)
Unwoempelsi_Outduezontd (length 23)
Unchaureaf_Eartharfloff (length 23)
Edgiern_Bayakkers (length 17)
Aateplicco_Schoemployim (length 23)
Eozoolsindoo_Aggrierhooth (length 25)
Attrysyl_Anlaukoxha (length 19)
Outhychistie_Insweecierty (length 25)
Zoabsunchy_Steaakhoundway (length 25)
Maeima_Fjopgia (length 14)
Eyesposweawe_Ondaxtli (length 21)
Chriafootle_Yoncophlockley (length 26)
Encyppownia_Odious (length 18)
Ursodgsocue_Austriagaloy (length 24)
Breengimt_Thyesinckley (length 22)
Enchessna_Yeastekseyere (length 23)
Uplayingwinnle_Troians (length 22)
Otitchichtje_Graenza (length 20)
Thyosselz_Unjuskmelgae (length 22)
Akiarchazi_Moyotochs (length 20)
Unwoempelsi_Outduezontd (length 23)
Unchaureaf_Eartharfloff (length 23)
Edgiern_Bayakkers (length 17)
Aateplicco_Schoemployim (length 23)
Eozoolsindoo_Aggrierhooth (length 25)
Attrysyl_Anlaukoxha (length 19)
Outhychistie_Insweecierty (length 25)
Zoabsunchy_Steaakhoundway (length 25)
Maeima_Fjopgia (length 14)
Eyesposweawe_Ondaxtli (length 21)